Big Treasure Chest for Future Kids

A magnificent treasure chest appears at the Tibetan Children’s Village in the Himalayan foothills of northern India. The “spirit” of the chest tells the children to think of special gifts and messages to offer to the kids of the future. The children work on their presents. Some make drawings, carve objects, or simply put in everyday items like clothes and books while others record video messages and songs. The film focuses on four children, each of whom has a different story to tell. At the end, the children gather to give their presents to the “spirit” who places them inside the chest. Before disappearing, he tells them that the chest will be reopened only in the year 2050 and invites them to be present at the occasion.
The Big Treasure Chest series of 12 films from 12 different countries was the idea of German producer Pierre Hoffman. The Treasure Chest was ceremonially locked by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on the 25th of October, 2000.